There was dust, a lot of it. And there was
drinking, a lot of that too. But most importantly, there was Brand New – more
on that later.
The great thing about Oppikoppi is that you
know what you’re going to get: dirt, drunkenness and some great bands. All in
the most inhospitable terrain on earth. However, each year still manages to be
completely different from the previous. The ratio of camp time to band time
changes, how long you are invariably lost for and then whoever finds you, or
you find, makes it a unique experience.
Things that were quite nice:
Talking shit with my favourite person for
absolute hours.
Screaming along to the New Academics. And
then trying to buy their friendship with numerous shots.
Suitcases at the top bar.
Saying ‘Wynand se poes’ with a squeaky,
screamed out voice
The endearing super-drunks.
Watching Johnny Clegg in the late afternoon
Flashing Cortina Whiplash, because they’re
so g.d cool.
Twin Atlantic calling the people who
wouldn’t sit down ‘Dicks’.
And Brand New. Oh,how my 19-year-old heart
was filled with joy. We were up near the front, they played the song about
losing your virginity to a prostitute and they were so worth the wait. Even
though we’re back to work, back to all the other shit that comes along with
being at the office, I’m still listening to them. And remembering what cunts we
were when we were young
Things that were a bit shit:
The bar having a slushie drink on the menu,
but their staff not knowing how to make it. I really wanted a boozy slushie…
The shit music that player really loudly,
every night, until dawn. I’m old and actually need a bit of sleep to keep me
going these days.
Redbull heart palpitations, although I have
no one to blame but myself.
The constant talk about all the drugs. This is, literally, the dullest conversation in the world. Dabble as you may, I’m all
for that, but no one needs to hear your shopping list of recreationals taken the
next day.