Us two cunts like adventure. And one likes to record it.

Wednesday 18 June 2014

Camping Classy – Four Cocktails to suit the mood

We've put together a jolly good collection of bevvies for you to enjoy wherever your tent may be pegged – because if it has more than 2 ingredients, we consider it a cocktail. Stay classy, South Africa*.

*clinks glasses with camping pals.

Always sample the local flavours

1.       Peach Dixie

This gem was created somewhere in Southern Africa after a long day behind the wheel. Road trips = parched adventurers and here’s something to wet the palate:

1 x tinned peaches
1 x white spirit (we suggest Vodka)

Reach for your trusty tin opener (no camper should be without this implement – second in importance only to the bottle opener) and ply open your tin of peaches. Eat a peach or two for sustenance and more importantly, space for the voddie. Glug a bold amount of booze into the tin. Allow to stand for as long as you can stand to be sober, then imbibe. As you will discover, the Peach Dixie is a drink and snack 2-in-1 deal – aren't we clever!

(But wait you cry! I see only 2 ingredients on the list, this is not a cocktail. Calm yourself, fellow traveller. Your tin of peaches contains both juice and fruit – see three ingredients, just like we said)

2.       Trailer Park Tonic 

Sometimes the road takes you where you’d rather not be and spirits and supplies are low. You pull into the only establishment that has space for your tent and you hope that dawn arrives soon. This is the time where you need something strong and not diluted because fuck no are you going to the ablution block when it’s dark out.

1 x packet sherbet
1 x white spirit (vodka is a good choice)
1 x sucker (not you, but rather the sweetie variety)

Empty contents of sherbet packet into mouth. Decant vodka into mouth and swallow. Finish with sucker or alternatively, continue to dunk into alcohol. Crying yourself to sleep is optional.

Bold colours add to the festive feel

3.       Poverty Punch

Travel don’t come cheap, but there are experiences worth more than your full pay cheque – before tax! So sometimes you've gotta compromise and make a little go a long way. Well here’s the drink for you:

1 x white spirit (we like the bitter taste of cheap gin)
1 x mix (that last can of whatever you have. Hopefully it’s lemon flavoured.)
Cold water to taste (by this we mean ‘can still taste the other two ingredients’)

Add your cheap gin to the last cool drink you have. Add a generous amount of water, but ensure you can still taste the booze. Take small sips as this is going to have to last you the full evening.

4.       Kruger Park Coffee

Pull your chair up to the fire and settle in for the evening; you've had a long, hard day looking at the local wildlife and now it’s time to relax and recap.

1 x hot coffee (quality is up to you)
1 x glug of condensed milk
1 x good helping of whisky

Make the coffee as strong or as weak as you enjoy it and then add condensed milk until it is sweet and creamy and 100% delicious. Now you need to counteract the caffeine with your whisky. This drink is restorative, warming and hopefully will knock you out for the night. God forbid you wake in the coldest hour before dawn to discover your mattress has deflated.

Bottoms up friends!