Us two cunts like adventure. And one likes to record it.

Wednesday, 21 January 2015

It gasped its final breaths: The very last bit of 2014

And thank God it’s over, amiright?

Okay, the cunts have been rather quiet of late… for a number of reasons, but let’s not get into the dull bits like too much work, general fatigue and the splutters and sighs of floundering creative thought. We keep that sort of nonsense for the people that have to love us – basically mothers; there is no one else.

The cunts and this pony are looking forward to a new year of adventures. 

So let’s gloss over all that and have a quick round up of the parting year before we bound gleefully into the future and plan greater adventures, drink tastier gin and tonics, admire more beautiful views and, quite frankly, tell tales so hilarious you very nearly laugh your arsehole off. Quite literally laugh it off.

First things first: The Christmas Competition Winner. It was hugely taxing trying to choose a winner, but we eventually came to an agreement. Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha.
That was a joke. The winner is Saul because he’s the only person who bothered to enter. And for that he will be the proud recipient of a lovingly chosen alcoholic prize. The rest of you are cunts (which is, I begrudgingly admit, why we like you).

Our festive message to you 

Otherwise, I think it’s safe to say that we survived the holidays and all the awkward sunburn, stomach bugs (and/or hangovers), first day back at work, and seasonal search for more fulfilling jobs that go hand-in-hand with the time of year.

Here’s to 2015 and the exciting cunt-related activities to come. Expect thrilling narratives such as: Photographic extravaganzas, our plans to be even less shit than usual, narratives from the road and reviews of top drinking holes. We might even deign to weigh in on the current blog war between the City of Gold and the City of the Mountain. If we feel like it. 

[Rude Santa pic from here]