Us two cunts like adventure. And one likes to record it.

Thursday 4 December 2014

Give us and we’ll give you: The 2 Cunts Christmas Competition

Ha, we’re not Santa Claus – we’re the two cunts and don’t give a shit how naughty or nice you have been, but the grumps have lifted slightly and it’s time to embrace a bit of the season’s silliness.  So we’re running over very first competition. (Ermagherd, how exciting, shit life just got infinitely better, etc, etc, etc…)

Just kidding, there might be something for you.

Here’s how it’s gonna roll: Send us amusing anecdotes, horror stories, fond memories and photos from your best (or worst) childhood holidays. We’ll post what we get and then pick a winner who’ll receive a present* to unwrap.

This competition is up and running from today until the 30th December 2014, when the winner** will be announced.

Please contact Lynner or Robs via Facebook direct message, or email us at andacamera@gmail.com

We put the dick in ridiculously exciting competition.

*It’s going to be booze
**Due to postal stuff, the winner will need to be Joburg-based. If you’re generous of spirit, but don’t live near us, you can still contribute for no personal gain – we’ll do shout outs instead…
Oh, it’ll be a lucky draw – name picked out of a hat kind of thing as we don’t have favourites. Except for Saul.