Us two cunts like adventure. And one likes to record it.

Wednesday, 29 April 2015

Die Weskus is die Beskus

Not to sound like a jealous ugly step-sister or anything, but the Western Cape really did get the lion's share when it comes to scenery and shit. You can barely get through a day without your eyes being assaulted by an above average sunset or some attractive body of water.

Our camera cunt visited Langebaan for the weekend and reports back that the situation there is even worse than we realised.

Seeberg viewpoint - West Coast National Park
Langebaan is pretty close to Cape Town down the west coast highway. It should take about an hour and a half, unless you get distracted by gossiping and only realise you've gone too far when the signs for Namibia start. The town itself is small, and seems to exist almost entirely on business from water sports. 

The West Coast National Park is close to town and offers a fuck-ton of scenic views and some lovely bird hides for those that way inclined. We only spent half a day in the park, but left plotting to return in the flower season (August - September) to do one of their 2 day trails.

Abrahamskraal cottage 

We ate at Die Strandloper which is a fantastic way to while away the afternoon. You can take your own cooler box of bevvies to enjoy whilst they attempt to burst you with pretty much ALL the seafood and the best goddamn bread I've ever tasted (Tim Noakes can lick my arsehole). Top tip: Take stretchy pants.

Strandloper - Not for those allergic to seafood.
Taking a break to digest.

Flamingos is the sickest jol in town, bru. And for just R40 entrance you can marvel at why there is a bus inside and have your fill of bass, beerpong and plastic chairs. Don't fight it...
Top tip: Bring your own sokkie partner.

Wednesday, 22 April 2015

The weekend retreat (or regroup)

Sometimes life kicks you right in your stupid face. Everything’s going just swimmingly (or so you think) and you’re backstroking your way to the edge of the pool, when bam! there it is; the kick that sends you sinking ‘til your battered body rests right on the very bottom. Does that mean you’re going to limit yourself to the shallow end of life? Fuck no! You paddle to the steps, take a sip of your gin and tonic, and regroup. We don’t retreat, we regroup and restrategise, and kick life back in its g.d face.